Check here for Laurie’s upcoming events and keep an eye on his socials.

Workshop: Laurie Steed on Publishing
Workshop: Laurie Steed on Publishing
If you want to know the ins and outs of getting your writing published, then come along on two Saturdays (7th & 14th September 2024 // 2 - 4pm included in this price) to get the good oil from Laurie.
These workshops are focussed on beginning to emerging writers and cover the topics:
All you need to know about publishing
Changing the rules to lead you straight to the top of the submission pile.
“Writing can be a solitary business, and yet, it’s often in collaborating that we take the next necessary steps as writers.” Laurie Steed

Workshop: Writing WA - Memoir Writing
Workshop: Writing WA - Memoir Writing
Many people have lives worth writing about. How we write about them, however, can be more complex. Where do you start? Also, how do you know what stands out as significant and how to write the stuff of your life into compelling, emotionally engaging stories?
Join Writing WA's Laurie Steed as he outlines the ins and outs of writing your life stories and specific ways to help them leap from the page.

Margaret River Readers and Writers Festival: Fake it ‘til You Make it: WritingWA Networking Brunch
Margaret River Readers and Writers Festival: Fake it ‘til You Make it: WritingWA Networking Brunch with Laurie Steed & Will Yeoman
Mix things up a little and head along to this relaxed, intimate brunch where you can meet and network with budding and established authors. Talk everything books and publishing over a delicious continental brunch before hilarity ensues with an improvised mock panel discussion where guests will provide volunteering authors with fake names, bios, book titles and genres to discuss. Whoever said networking can’t be fun?
Hosted by Writing WA’s Will Yeoman and Laurie Steed.

Margaret River Readers and Writers Festival: Get Published! Submitting to Agents and Publishers
Margaret River Readers and Writers Festival: WritingWA presents Get Published! Submitting to Agents and Publishers
Picture this, you’ve completed your novel and are excited about your literary future. You’re about to hit send on your submission. But, spoiler alert, so are many other writers keen to have their work seen by agents and publishers.
How do you make yourself stand out and give your book the best chance of success in an intensely competitive publishing industry?
Join award-winning author and writing mentor Laurie Steed (WritingWA) as he demystifies the publishing process and tells you the secret to successful literary submissions.

The Backlot Book to Film: Bridget Jones's Diary
The Backlot Book to Film: Bridget Jones's Diary
Bridget Jones's Diary is Helen Fielding's hugely influential 1996 novel, itself inspired by Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice. Taking the form of a 12-month diary, it chronicles, with much intrigue, heart and humour, the London life of 30-something Bridget, her relationships, hang-ups and career frustrations.
The film adaptation came five years later, stars Renée Zellweger, Colin Firth and Hugh Grant, and was an enormous hit that retains the book's charm.
WA novelist and journalist Emma Young will be joined by Writing WA's Laurie Steed for a discussion of the book and the film. Emma will discuss how her second novel The Disorganisation of Celia Stone (Fremantle Press) was influenced by Bridget Jones, what she enjoys about the text, and where she necessarily departs from it for a deeper understanding of womanhood, perfectionism and femininity in today's society.

Finding Success with Short-form Stories and Collections with Laurie Steed
Learn what journals and publishers want in their short stories and short-form collections, strengthen your submissions, and increase your chances for success.
In this workshop we'll look at ways to ensure your work not only gets read but seriously considered for publication. We'll look at the beginnings and endings of short stories, considering where and when risk or narrative surprise could be used for optimal reader engagement. We'll also discuss publisher realities and ways in which to target your collection to the right home for its structure, style, and content. Finally, we'll explore ways to ensure you and your work are taken seriously, unpacking story formatting, submission packages and professional protocols and practices within the literary industry.
Learning outcomes
In this workshop you'll learn more about how to:
Write compelling stories that know when and why to play against type
Differentiate between the needs and processes of literary journals versus the greater book publishing industry
Understand the different readerships and markets for various literary journals and publishing houses
Evaluate how to bring together a cohesive, compelling short story collection for consideration for publication
This is an online workshop with a focus on craft and industry information; it will be hosted via Zoom. This workshop is designed for intermediate writers of short fiction, but is suitable for writers of all levels and backgrounds to attend.

Perth Festival - Fellow Writers
A book is a labour of love that takes time and money to produce. Fellowships and grants provide opportunities for authors to develop their craft and specific works towards the goal of publication.
Mabel Gibson (Maar Bidi, Three Can Keep a Secret), Sarah Ayoub (The Cult of Romance), Chris Womersley (Ordinary Gods and Monsters) and Patrick Mullins (Who Needs the ABC?), talk about the value and opportunities offered by grants and fellowships.
Chris Womersley and Patrick Mullins are the 2023 Copyright Agency Fellowship winners, and Mabel Gibson through Night Parrot Press is the recipient of a DLGSCI Creative Development grant. Sarah Ayoub sits on the board of the Australian Society of Authors who offer mentorships and a Blake Beckett Trust grant for writers.
While they may be worlds apart in their journeys, for this panel they come together in a convergence of insight and creativity to speak about their writing and their fellowship projects. This session will be facilitated by Laurie Steed.

Perth Festival - We Need You to Believe
Laura Jean McKay (Gunflower), Laurie Steed (Greater City Shadows) and Chemutai Glasheen (I Am The Mau and Other Stories) are not afraid to put their hearts and hopes into their fiction. They talk about how they find faith within their words and worlds. This session will be facilitated by Claire Nichols.

Novel Writing Bootcamp
Novel Writing Boot Camp with Laurie Steed
It's time to commit to writing that novel!
Research shows that goal completion increases exponentially when a) done in a group setting but more importantly b) supported by a knowledgeable, experienced facilitator who can manage expectations and keep the group focused on the process, rather than the outcome.
Laurie Steed's Novel Writing Boot Camp is a 5 session workshop that exists to bring the next generation of hopeful authors up to speed, and help them work meaningfully towards their dreams of a debut full-length publication.
Key points covered:
Narrative arcs, complex characterisation, sensory immersion, common errors and how to fix them, and more.
Dates: Every third Thursday from 15 February - 20 June
Time: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm each session
Cost: $50

Love, Dad Libby Book Club
Libby Book Club for WA with Laurie Steed - IN-PERSON EVENT
Join us for a special edition of the February Libby Book Club in-person at the State Library of Western Australia!
Laurie Steed is a writer living and working in the Wadjak region. His fiction has been broadcast on BBC Radio 4 and published in numerous anthologies. The father of two young boys, Laurie reflects on how his own experiences have defined the kind of man he is and the kind of parent he would like to become in his new book.
During this book club, guests will have the opportunity to ask questions, interact with the authors, and enjoy a bookish discussion. Hosted by David Allan-Petale – brought to you via Libby, the library reading app. This event will take place in The Theatre, at the State Library of Western Australia at 6:00pm AWST.
This month’s featured title ‘Love Dad. Confessions of an Anxious Father' should be available to borrow from your local library with no waitlists or holds.

Laurie Steed in conversation with Josephine Clarke
Join us at Open Book on Thursday, November 2nd at 6.15 for a 6.30 pm start to celebrate Laurie Steed's new book, Love, Dad. Laurie will be in conversation with local author and poet Josephine Clarke.
Tickets are $5 and include nibbles, and wine will be available for purchase on the night.

True Stories: Memoir and Life Writing with Laurie Steed
Join author and editor Laurie Steed to learn how to capture true life stories and get them onto the page.
Many people have lives worth writing about. Still, how do you know not only what stands out as significant but also how to write the stuff of your life into compelling, emotionally engaging stories?
Join Laurie Steed as he outlines the ins and outs of writing true stories and specific ways to help them leap from the page.
This is a ticketed event with limited capacity - bookings essential.

Big Sky Festival - Why Stories Matter
Panel: Why Stories Matter with Chemutai Glasheen, Anthea Hodgson and Rosie Sitorus
We are automatically drawn to stories because we see ourselves reflected in them.
But we now live in the fast-paced information age, where information, concepts, and ideas continuously bombard us from every direction. Do stories really matter to us anymore?

Big Sky Festival - Writing Workshop: True Stories and Life Writing
Many people have lives worth writing about.
How do you know what stands out as significant and how to write the stuff of your life into compelling, emotionally engaging stories?
Join Laurie Steed as he outlines the ins and outs of writing your life stories and specific ways to help them leap from the page.
Includes tea/coffee on arrival and morning tea.

Love, Dad - A Conversation with Laurie Steed
Love, Dad - A Conversation with Laurie Steed
Presented in partnership with The York Festival, Laurie Steed will be in conversation with Writing WA CEO Will Yeoman.
Laurie Steed's new memoir Love, Dad, (Fremantle Press) explores what it means to be a father in the twenty-first century and is a must-read for all new parents.
This is a free event, but bookings are essential as places are limited.
Signed copies of Love, Dad will be available from Barclay Books (across the road from Gallery 152).

Author event: Laurie Steed, Michael Trant & Brendan Ritchie
Laurie Steed is a prize-winning novelist and short story writer from Perth, well-known for his novel You Belong Here which was shortlisted for the 2018 Western Australian Premier’s Book Awards.
Michael Trant is a WA country boy turned suburban writer, whose novels Wild Dogs and No Trace depict the quintessential "outback noir" that Australia's vast landscape is so perfectly set up for.
Brendan Ritchie is a local South West writer who was the winner of the 2022 Dorothy Hewett Award, and is the author of new book Eta Draconis.
Busselton Dymocks will have copies of the writers books for sale, with cash and eftpos available.
The Busselton Library will provide drinks and light refreshments on arrival.
Like all Busselton & Dunsborough Libraries events, it is free, however bookings are required.

Laurie Steed in Conversation with Pip Mullins
Join Laurie Steed and Pip Mullins in conversation as they discuss Laurie’s new memoir Love, Dad.

Love, Dad Launch
Come and join us for a warm, humorous and deeply enriching evening celebrating the launch of Laurie’s memoir Love, Dad.