You Belong Here - Reviews

It's by no means an exaggeration to say that as an author, you're quietly packing your dacks in the time between your publication date, and that first precious post-publication review.

While it's early days, I'm grateful for some heartening personal feedback and some particularly positive reviews from readers and authors, both on and via their own websites.

I've collated these into a new page on the website, and will add reviews as and when they arrive. In the meantime, thanks to everyone who's read the book thus far; those who've reached out to me via email, Facebook, and text; those who've sent me photos, who've called out 'Laurie, you bastard!' mid-book, much to their wife's surprise, (Dawson, I'm looking at you); to anyone and everyone who's been willing to read my words and so wholly engage with them.

You belong here, always.


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Jobs Writers Do When Theyโ€™re Not Writing: Picking and Packing