Flashback: The Family Guide to Writing and Parenting
writing, parenting Fresh Web Design writing, parenting Fresh Web Design

Flashback: The Family Guide to Writing and Parenting

Once, I was a full-time writer.

My day began at six, with coffee and a slice or two of fruit toast. I’d ruminate on character arcs and plot developments as though they were the very stuff of life. If time permitted, I would air-drum my way through any number of songs by early, Gabriel-era Genesis. Or, if I was desperate, something off Invisible Touch, writing all the way...

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Flashback: Writing From the Cheap Seats
writing Fresh Web Design writing Fresh Web Design

Flashback: Writing From the Cheap Seats

In fourteen years of writing, I’ve established something of a reputation.

Don't get me wrong. I don't get window seats at restaurants or all that many free books, aside from the considered review copies, as sent by a handful of Melbourne-based publishers. I made more money participating in a Twitter novella than I did for any short story I've published, and I'm often told that my writing is ‘a bit gritty...'

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What am I Writing?
writing Fresh Web Design writing Fresh Web Design

What am I Writing?

I’ve been invited to participate in a Writing Process Blog Chain where writers who blog describe their current writing process by responding to a standard questionnaire. Lee Kofman was kind enough to tag me on her turn. For those not in the know, Lee is a fearless writer, teacher, mentor and lovely person who has written three books of fiction in Hebrew, and numerous essays and articles. In all of this, she shows a knack for opening up meaning within her topics. As a reader, it's as if you've been shot in the arm with authenticity, sincerity, and a dash of eloquence. If you want to find out more about Lee, visit her blog, The Writing Life...

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The Dos and Don'ts of Workshop Etiquette
Fresh Web Design Fresh Web Design

The Dos and Don'ts of Workshop Etiquette

The Emerging Writer is due to launch at The 2013 Emerging Writers Festival. For those not in the know, The Emerging Writer is an insider's guide to the craft, philosophy and politics of being a writer. Whether you're facing your first blank page or negotiating a publishing contract, this book is full of indispensable advice for any emerging writer hoping to turn their seedling of an idea into a mighty tree...

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