#29: Grandpa Does the Melbourne Shuffle by Dan Ducrou
Dan Ducrou is in my writing group, but I have never met him...
#18: Weightlessness by Karen Hitchcock
I first came accross Karen Hitchcock in Best Australian Stories 2006, and she has been in every edition of Best Australian Stories since. This is not by chance; reading Karen Hitchcock's work, you are drawn in from the first line. She takes her motivations from marginal people, and by this I mean people who find the very act of living throws them to the margins: people who have distant husbands; people who eat for comfort and protection; people who struggle to connect with 'difficult' fathers...
#7: Endgame by Louise Swinn
Lou Swinn is a publisher, review and small-press advocate. She wears a hat far better than most and is also one of the nicest people I know...
#1: Scar Tissue by Patrick Cullen
I recently attended a salon celebrating some seriously talented writers, including Emily Maguire, Steven Amsterdam and Kalinda Ashton. The final writer was Patrick Cullen , who I had first read in 2007; it was this same writer that I feverishly sought immediately after the Salon, to soak up his words in a new light...