Flashback: Writing From the Cheap Seats
writing Fresh Web Design writing Fresh Web Design

Flashback: Writing From the Cheap Seats

In fourteen years of writing, I’ve established something of a reputation.

Don't get me wrong. I don't get window seats at restaurants or all that many free books, aside from the considered review copies, as sent by a handful of Melbourne-based publishers. I made more money participating in a Twitter novella than I did for any short story I've published, and I'm often told that my writing is ‘a bit gritty...'

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Friday Fave: Hidden by Mirranda Burton
graphic novels, books Fresh Web Design graphic novels, books Fresh Web Design

Friday Fave: Hidden by Mirranda Burton

…In which I invite someone bookish to tell us about one of their all-time favourite works of fiction, and why it’s so special to them. This Friday Fave comes from author Laurie Steed:

I had flown in from Perth to attend The 2011 Melbourne Writers Festival. I wasn’t on the programme that particular year, and, truth be told, was not sure why I’d come. I spoke the previous year on being a professional writer; now here I was being a professional slacker instead...

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