KSP Spring Story Retreat: Applications Open
Writing is hard when the dishes need doing. It's tough when there's a TV or tablet oh so close, and you won't watch for too long, just an episode, and then it's 10pm, you have to work tomorrow, and you didn't write a single thing.
Thankfully, the good folk at KSP here in Perth, Western Australia, have invited me back to run their Spring Story Retreat…
Things I wish I’d Known Coming Up #1: Twitter
For those who don’t know, I’ve worked in online content and social media since 2009.
I’ve done this successfully for individuals, companies, and not-for-profit organisations. When doing this for myself, I’ve been equally successful, although less so when it comes to Twitter…
Recent Coverage for You Belong Here
While it's a busy time for events, I've also been lucky to receive coverage for You Belong Here both locally and further afield in recent weeks…
An Eventful Couple of Weeks
Any rumours of my demise are entirely inaccurate.
It's fair to say, however, that my family and I recently encountered a child-flu that could fell a small elephant. I'll spare you the details. Suffice to say it's good to be finally driving out of Snuffle City, population 4…
The People Behind You Belong Here: Phill
I first met Phill in Leederville, and that, I promise, is the last time I am going to rhyme (damn it!) in this section…
The People Behind You Belong Here - The Family Steed
So, I wrote a book about a family, the Slaters, who aren't my real family. At the same time, my real family is a a huge part of who I am today. With that in mind, I wanted to introduce you to five very special people and one awesome dog (who's sadly no longer with us.) …